Wednesday, February 27, 2008
CLASS T-SHIRT MATTERS.Just want to check if you all approve of the design so far... at least, the one that i'm doing.

Btw, i think the picture above is too small, so click on it to see. Credits to 112 and Microsoft Powerpoint. And me.
Still not sure which colour the text should be.. and the font. If you want me to change it, please tell me BY TOMMORROW, as Wan Lin wants me to have it ready by hopefully Friday. And if you don't like the placement of something, or the colour, or whatever, tell me too. Cause this is our class t-shirt for the WHOLE YEAR in 112, and the class t-shirt so has to be nice. ^^
EDIT: i know theres the wavy red lines. i'll erase them later. and i need to correct Jasmine's name too. ><