Monday, February 11, 2008
:D / D:

Frist things first.

@Grace and Huahua: What is it, "flame pingghee day"? Booo. D:
Anyway, I am still speaking some sense. :[ Hmph.

Grace, you do hold the most authority AMONG THE CLASSMATES. Yar you're right though. We still have to get permission from Mrs Wong.

Huahua! See the post "activities and stuff" posted by Nat! Here's the linkie:

@Grace: I've read Lamb to the Slaughter! :D It was a story in this thick thick set of stories I received last year when we were doing mystery stories.

@Grace (again): The cbox wasn't working for me, but now it is. Hooray! :D

@huahua: You just posted private pictures! O____O!

I can't wait for Lifeskills Camp. :D Yay....! <3

~Number 9 on the index list.

dreaming walked on the sunny side.
5:30 PM.