Thursday, March 13, 2008
THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production.okay. what to wear:
class shirt! -you know, the white and blue one with the pretty ♥ and family tree. :D
and pants. long preferably, but you're free to wear minishorts if you want to. :X
what to bring:
$9.50 for your ticket. you do not collect your ticket; fiona will do that for you (yay fiona!). you pay her when she asks for it, kay? yay.
+any additional money you may need to bring as
+your handphone which should be kept on silent/turned off during the movie and on the loudest volume you can manage when you're not in the cinema, in case we need to contact you.
+tissues. if you feel like crying. or going to the potty. whichever.
+um. specs? if you need them.
+other DUH objects.
okay. got it clear? yay. remember: CLASS SHIRT!
ps. Nicholas. wear whatever you want. preferably something we can recognise you in. o_O