Saturday, April 5, 2008


Hi everyone.

Miss Teng wants to know how many people in our class are enlisted for the Maths Olympiad Training Sabbaticals. I will be calling every one of you to find out but if you didn't answer my call, please email me! I need to know by Sunday afternoon preferably.

Important email that was sent out
An important email was sent out via class email yesterday. If you didn't or haven't read it, here it is, with my email addresses and others' X-ed out. Attachments are, obviously, not attached, so check your email for them.

Hi everyone.

Here are some important matters. Some of them have already been addressed in school but are just elaborated, edited or repeated here. Please pay attention!

  1. MODERN DANCE CONCERT. Modern Dance is putting up a concert 'Hatful of Stars II' on the 19th of April 2008 (Saturday). There are two timings for the shows: 3-4.00 p.m., or 7.30-8.30p.m. Tickets are priced at $12 each. Please check with your parents if you can make it and e-mail me by Sunday afternoon. Any changes or last-minute notices after that will not be entertained and a 0 will be put under your name. You must inform me even if you're not going! So far the people who are NOT coming are: Brenda, Pingghee, Callie, Natalie, Samantha, Vanessa and Tianjiao. Any mistakes email me too, as well as if you have any questions for me or for the MD.
  2. YOUTH DAY FUNFAIR: PROPOSAL & COMMITTEES. The proposal is attached again here, even though it is already in a previous e-mail. Please refer to it so everyone knows what the class is doing for the funfair! This is a group effort and it cannot just be the sweat (and tears?) of the FT and CCM. Please understand that :D Also, as mentioned in the previous e-mail, there will be 4 committees for this funfair: LOGISTICS, PUBLICITY, MANPOWER and EXCO. More details provided in the other document attached on COMMITTEES.
  3. CLASSROOM CLEANLINESS. Please remember to do your assigned duties and don't slack because we all strive towards a cleaner, better classroom... don't we. :D
  4. NOTICEBOARD COMMITTEE. Please remember that you have to email Grace, Pingghee and Miss Lye a plan of what you are going to do (detailed, please) and by Monday get to work, even if it's just a little bit, we appreciate it! :D
  5. CLASS + SCHOOL SUGGESTIONS. Nobody has approached me for PSS forms! D: If you are perfectly content with the way the school is being run that's good (yay NYGH! <3)>
  6. WHITEBOARD DOODLING FEE. Please be reminded (as Sarah has already told/written to you) that if you doodle or advertise on the class whiteboard, a fee of 10 cents will be implemented. This is to avoid the huge cluster of words that have occured (NON-LESSON-TIME) on our whiteboard many times. The whiteboard is reserved for class announcements (homework submissions, class fund collections, etc.) and teachers' use. If you want to advertise, please use word of mouth... or post it, or email it by class email. If you want to doodle, there's always plastic pockets and your own marker, or paper, the good ol' trustworthy source. Please understand the importance of this. Like Natalie said... This is the reason why our markers all run out of ink. The blue one, which we just changed like 2 or 3 days ago, is already running slightly low.
  7. INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP DAY FOLKTALE. I am pleased to inform you that the Philippines folktale, Tiny Bird, that our class submitted for International Friendship Day as been selected as one of the top. I will be presenting it to the school next Friday (or a Friday, I can't remember which). It is enclosed for your perusal. Enjoy!

That's all. Sorry for the chunky email <__> It took me about 30-45 minutes to do, including the committees thing. XD Okay. Have a nice weekend and make all those deadlines... :D



Okay that's all ^^

Have a nice weekend and like I said meet all those deadlines...

♥ Loveeee,


Grace walked on the sunny side.
4:52 PM.