Friday, May 23, 2008
attention all eggs of 112:
homework update here!
- Chinese SIA - 未来解决难题 / 分析+写作档案
- Chinese SIA - 阅读报告
- CME Project
- Geography SIA - traffic survey
- Maths SIA
- Geography Presentation (if you havent done) the 30 min one
- Lang arts Scenario Writing - just revise your work
- Maths self-learning topic (on lms)
- Check the LMS for additional homeworks
- Revision for BLOCKTESTS
- Lang arts
- Chinese
- Chemistry
- Maths
- Geography
- History
- Art! (haha thx danielle)
reminders- if you havent handed in your GE anniversary consent form today, pass it to your parents so they can bring it to school tomorrow when collecting your report books. And I hope you all brought home anything that was in class.. SMO is on 27 May (next tues) for people who are participating. Well then happy holidays!!
ps. tell me if any homework is not on the list :D