Friday, June 27, 2008
THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production.hi! this afternoon when i went for the competition thingy while waiting they showed some phoshop assignment 1 works, most were from our clas. here are those with their pieces shown:
Wan Lin
and 1 unidentified with black building against a "sun ray" bg. yay 112! :p
hi comrades (lol._.)
this is ur cme rep speaking.
so some of u handed in ur cme but others did not.
well, for those of u who did not, u must be super thnkful tt liulaoshi didnt quite care when i handed it in on thursday;)
haha. anyway just try to tidy it up and hand in to me asap! ^_^
and jy for all ur hw x) --> dun really feel like doing hw update. but basically u have 2 math ws, 1 history mindmap, 2 chi speech training hw, 3rd lang hw if any, and um chem revision(:
Thursday, June 26, 2008
THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production.xcooosee mee but uh, pls help
cos uh, the link is spelt wrongly
its thnx
and not thx
^ ^
so the link isn't working at the moment
help me change
ciao amore
PS. hehe showing off
PPS. i am so beat-around-the-bush
Just to add something;
ALL of you MUST come at 7.30 regardless of your shifts. There will be morning assembly, so beware. There's no excuse to only go for your shifts and skip school. >__> Time of dismissal will be confirmed to you later.
Also,we're still wanting a model and some people to provide clothes. No need to feel shy, kay? just email me at if you can provide clothes/want to be the model.
Much thanks/love,
ping ghee
sidebar profiles/links
THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production.hello everyone,
if you want to relink or add to your profile [some people STILL haven't told me their birthdays, CCAs and favourite colours] you can also tell ping ghee, cos she's ADMIN now as well (: she and I.
btw: I didn't receive the email about the shifts! D: argh! oh, and for the shifts, we should have people like walking around yelling
so not just a desk job.
desk job = sit behind table, sell, collect money, talk.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Shifts for youth day funfair
THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production.228th post! =)
Helping Chunshan post the shifts for the YDF:
[exactly the same as the contents of the email she sent, but slightly rearranged so that it can be posted]
(8.00 to 8.50)
Ping Ghee (EXCO)
Danielle (Publicity)
Huahua (Manpower)
So Phia (Logistics)
(8.50 to9.40)
Jun Hui (EXCO)
Callie (Publicity)
Wan Qing(Manpower)
Amelia (Logistics)
(9.40 to 10. 25)
Brenda (EXCO)
Wan Lin (Publicity)
Jasmine (Logistics)
(10.25 to11.10)
Gah Yarn (EXCO)
Zest (Publicity)
Hannah (Logistics)
(11.10 to 12.00)
Sarah (EXCO)
Rachel (Publicity)
Natalie (Logistics)
Chun Shan
So it the funfair will be about four hours long and everyone can only do one shift (but can always go back to help if you want).
Each shift is about 45 minutes. Five shifts altogether. Four to five people in every shift.
More people for the shifts at the front and back cause we have to set up the stall and then later clean up after the funfair.
Try to have one member from each team every shift.
Any objections/comments/improvements? Or did I put anyone in the wrong category...
[end email content xD]
ummmmmm. and also someone needs to tell me the words so i can edit the first poster. ^^

i think they look weird. ah well.
umm just asking, for the poster, does anyone have any suggestions as to what words to put in. as in, what is required. like, can someone tell me the vital information that needs to be put in, so that i won't miss out anything. ><
Guys. Homework. Sigh.
- Study for Chemistry Block Test.
- Prepare the compo/essay on 'Injustice' tomorrow. (Word limit: 350-450)
- Jap people, CA4 is on 9/6. Chapter 7 and 8. revise.
Ping Ghee, me and Jun Hui are not gong to be in school for hte first half of the day on Friday. Just a reminder.
And logistics people, 'outing' to Sheng Shiong, the one in Ten Mile Junction in Choa Chu Kang. It's the nearest to Nanyang. Do you want to go all the way to Woodlands instead? If you cannot make it, tell me. Ping Ghee might go too.
To whom it may concern (hehee so formal):
i would like to inform you of a change i need you to make to this blog.
i have changed my blog address to
i would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.
pls acknowledge your amendments as soon as you change whatever needs to be changed( actually no need lah. i juz add to reinforce ( or isit re-enforce?) the formality of this very nice post)
many thanks
Owner and director of my blog
my blog pte ltd
PS. a master piece, this is...
Monday, June 23, 2008
Fridge for Funfair!
THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production.Hi. It's me, Fiona. The funfair is next week friday, 4 July. Guys, how is the preparation going? Well, for logistics, the people who are dealing with the sponsorship have not updated me. Jasmine and Amelia,how are things going? Well, I haven't done the experiments. Grace, don't scream. I have a piece of good news. I HAVE OBTAINED A FRIDGE WHICH CAN BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL AND CAN FREEZE STUFF! Say hurray. =D
Whoever is planning what drinks we have, tell me tomorrow latest ok? Or maybe we'll decide in class tmr. Grace, can you send me the list of stuff i sent you the other time? Thanks. Logistics, is it possible to go to Sheng Shiong to buy stuff on Saturday? Chun Shan will try her best to get someone from manpower to bring the stuff home. If cannot, i think it's possible for me to ask my dad for help. But everything i bring isn't fair, ok? I'm already bringing the fridge. Ping Ghee, or Grace, inform Ms Sabrina. Plus i need to get it to school one day before the funfair for it to freeze up.
Well. That's about it.
P.S. (25/6) I'm sorry if I had insulted anyone. It was intended, I assure you. Sorry. Hontoni Gomenasai.
the gaelicvixen AKA Fiona
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production. [this beginning tag is ... nevermind.]Hello. :X
Is anyone claiming money?
From the fund. not me. obviously. because this is the CLASS BLOG. >_> and therefore to the CLASS. obviously. x) be in awe of my LOGIC. ^^
If you are, please email me the amount and your name. and the reason you're claiming. [like for the class party or food or whatever.]
And I'll try to return the money in the first week of school.
Otherwise you'll have to wait.
If you don't see this notice, too bad. you'll have to wait too. (not like you're reading this or anything.)
Because tagging would be confusing.
Seeing as I don't check ALL that often I'm bound to miss someone out if you tag. D:
So please email. Or something. NO TAGGING. x( okay? ugh what's with the continuing italics ._.
haha mantou expression. ITALIC MANTOU EXPRESSION xO
ah this is better. =) okay? remember to email! (but ONLY if you're claiming money...)
<3 sarah.
P.S. does anyone know if we're gonna be changing places in term3? pingghee? ._. because nobody mentioned anything in term2. .___.
Friday, June 13, 2008
THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production.hello everybody!
i have just realized that my class tee size has suddenly changed to XS. i think i took home the wrong tee. :/
and sarah can't find her class tee! D:
so does anyone have a tee that's the wrong size from what they ordered/two class tees?
reply on the tagboard! :D
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production.220th post!
on T3W1 monday we have...
i think that's all. =DYIntegrated Math [1h]
YLang Arts [1h]
YLunch break! =DDDD [1h]
YScience (bio with ms lye! =D) [1h]
YHistory [30 mins]
YAssembly [argh my HMP sec 1 assembly performance... nooooooo T_T] [1h]
Y3rd Lang [2h] malay/french/jap/german
repost this if i missed out anything.
edited on 12 June ^^
wish me luck for the new york trip ok? =D <3
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
haha, this was done by danielle(:
Publicity designs! ;D
Done by Callie:

Done by me! ;D

I think I have some more. I'll upload later.
Things we need to know: location of stall!
Idea: footprints on the floor of school leading the people to our stall! ;D If we're allowed. ;]
-pingghee and callie