Tuesday, June 17, 2008

THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production. [this beginning tag is ... nevermind.]

Hello. :X
Is anyone claiming money?
From the fund. not me. obviously. because this is the CLASS BLOG. >_> and therefore to the CLASS. obviously. x) be in awe of my LOGIC. ^^
If you are, please email me the amount and your name. and the reason you're claiming. [like for the class party or food or whatever.]
And I'll try to return the money in the first week of school.
Otherwise you'll have to wait.
If you don't see this notice, too bad. you'll have to wait too. (not like you're reading this or anything.)
Because tagging would be confusing.
Seeing as I don't check ALL that often I'm bound to miss someone out if you tag. D:
So please email. Or something. NO TAGGING. x( okay? ugh what's with the continuing italics ._.
haha mantou expression. ITALIC MANTOU EXPRESSION xO
ah this is better. =) okay? remember to email! (but ONLY if you're claiming money...)
<3 sarah.

P.S. does anyone know if we're gonna be changing places in term3? pingghee? ._. because nobody mentioned anything in term2. .___.

Anonymous walked on the sunny side.
11:23 AM.