Wednesday, July 2, 2008
EZ-link cards|funfair stuffies
THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production.234th post!
is anyone's EZ-link card also not working? i added $30 on monday and on tuesday i couldn't use it... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
today i couldn't use it either. the bus driver said the card has expired. whatthehell??????
then the ppl at the information counter said there was something wrong with it and i need to take it to jurong east bus interchange to get a new one. D:
just wondering whether this is a problem encountered by lots of ppl or just me. D:
if it's a problem lots of ppl are having then we shall COMPLAIN! yay must be DDDDDDD:<<<<<<<<<><
oh and ppl please be more enthu abt the funfair thing, fiona's
jiayou everyone! =D