Friday, February 15, 2008
lalala-- LET'S SING SONGS!! :D

haha, hey cartonmates ^^.
so... Rachel asked me to post the lyrics for the singapore song... =D
Sing for Mrs Kuan someday, haha.
And sing the candyman Mrs Wong part for Mrs Wong one day too. ^^
SOOO... okay. first, here's the link.
that's the animated version. there's another one,
this is the real life one. ^^ dont mind the first bit, it's a bit long.
yep. so... here's the lyrics. I posted it so you guys must learn okay? ^^ good. Then we can sing to other classes again when teacher's go for other stuff, HAHA. Like today, it was fun. ^^
so i post the lyrics next, if not this will be an uber long post.
BYEEE (for now)

natalie walked on the sunny side.
7:19 PM.