Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Tagboard Issues | CCT Updates | Advertisement! | Additional Info
THE 23 EGGS THAT MAKE A DOZEN ARE THE BEST IN THE CARTON: A OneDozenEggs Production.Hello everyone!
Read the post title for this post's agenda.
Tagboard Issues
Okay, some people seem to have some *cough* issues and have come here to our tagboard to express them. No matter what they are called or where (*cough cough*) they belong (Vanessa, thank you for your MOST SPECIFIC comment about geylang), please just ignore them and hope that one day their mind will be cured of such weird gay things! Don't worry about them, okay. You should only get really really really really worried if they start like knowing all your personal info and acting like paedophiles. ;D
CCT Updates
Okay, updates from today's CCT!
(1) Class CIP
Well, a shock for some of you: our class CIP's next week! It's on the 15th of July at Lions Befrienders, just to refresh your memory. Now we haven't officially planned anything yet so we must hurry up and jiayou okay!
So far, the ideas:
- Talent show (where we can *cough* show off Wan Qing's wushu! *clap clap* ;D and of course our other talents- where do we begin? Just kidding.)
- Singing/Karaoke session
- Random talk/tea time where we sip tea (optional) and chat with the old folks
- Dance performance
- Refreshments (I think this should be included)
(2) Flight to Bangkok
Yes, next week (w4) is my last week in Nanyang and I'm flying off on the 20th. For more specific details please ask me in person, because if I post them here I might get stalked.
(3) Fraying Hong Zi
If the hong zi on your hong zi (you know what I mean) is like balding, and have loose threads or whatever, please go G.O. and collect the little plastic bag thingum to put your uni inside, cos the uniform vendors are coming this week to mend your balding hong zionthehong zi.
(4) Cleanliness Check
Jiayou people we got an A! *dances* Keep up the good work, okay?
(1) NY Newsletter by ELPS!
It's coming out tomorrow so please read it, we've put a lot of effort into it! ;D Thank you!
(2) Band Concert: Reminder
It's on the 4th of August night (Monday, I think) and since Sarah cat-walked for us at YDF Fashion Rojak, we all owe her a class outing. So please sign up for it! Ask her for additional information.
(3) Youth Classifieds
Voice your opinion! I strongly encourage you people to go HERE and submit reviews of your favourite manga, movie, book or whatever to Youth Classifieds! You'll win a pair of movie vouchers for GV. It's really worth it and also gives you a sense of ACHIEVEMENT seeing your words in print! ;D Go for it, lah. *prod*
Additional Info
Now, I can't remember what I was going to put here.
Library CIP
Apparently, according to the librarian, it was supposed to be TODAY- yes, TODAY.
But some of us recorded it in our handbooks as next week. Thus we need to clarify this with the librarian(s) and Ms Lye.
Just to let you know.
Okay! That's all for now.
♥Much Love (how long has it been since I last signed off like this?),